拯救唐人街 - 更新和后续



唐人街文化与轻轨 “碰撞”还是“融合” 文中提到,现在关于唐人街的轻轨方案,集中在选择在4街建,还是在5街建,如果一旦选择在5街建轻轨,轻轨将从Chinatown穿过,很多历史建筑,商铺等都将受到破坏,而选择在4街建轻轨,将能相对完整的保护Chinatown的完整性,对那里的商铺和居民影响更小。


当时西雅图市议会和Sound Transit 定下四月二十八号为接受公众意见的截止日期。因为大家的积极参与,尤其是 Transit Equity for All (TEA) 为主的华人社区各组织的针对性的反馈意见,西雅图市议会和Sound Transit 接收到了前所未有的成千上万的公众意见反馈,不得不延长时间来阅读处理各方意见。其中咔咔专门发函给西雅图市议会和Sound Transit,敦促他们考虑轻轨方案对唐人街历史文物的巨大影响:


西雅图市议会通知Sound Transit 暂停六到九个月来完善唐人街的项目计划,以减少对该弱势社区的影响。下面两段文字描述了政府下一步需要做的事情,节选自 Mayor’s Resolution 32055 on the agenda of the City Transportation Committee meeting of T June 7, 2022 并做了相应翻译:
“…this legislation identifies that additional work is necessary, particularly in the Chinatown/International District, to develop additional project refinements and mitigations before a Preferred Alternative is selected that will impact those historically disadvantaged communities.”
所需的额外工作:与CID和Pioneer Square社区成员和其他合作伙伴组织一起推进为期六至九个月的重点规划流程。

Additional work needed: Advance a focused six-to nine month planning process with CID and Pioneer Square community members and other partner organizations.

1. More fully address the community’s concern with the existing alternatives, including strategies to avoid, minimize, and mitigate impacts.

2. Develop. Modifications to the 4th and 5th Avenue shallow alternatives that reduce impacts and costs.

3. Initiate a broader community development strategy that furthers RET outcomes and addresses project and cumulative impacts and historic harm.


我们需要保持压力,因为讨论和投票正在进行。我们不能让Sounds Transit 认为我们放松了。接下来还有更多的事情,希望大家踊跃参与发言和宣传相关信息到更多人。
Crucial Dates:

July 12
 City Council meeting, 2 p.m. includes presentation on CID in consideration of a vote on Res. 32055, see slides 34-39 on CID followed by council discussion: http://seattle.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=10947061&GUID=AEDB98DF-26FA-4B67-8C3A-47499ECED185 (important to make public comment & send in a trancript: council@seattle.govemailtheboard@soundtransit.org, with cc to nicole.kistler@seattle.gov).

July 14 Sound Transit System Expansion Committee meeting at Union Station, 1:30-4:00 with simultaneous interpretation in Cantonese/Mandarin: "Potential committee action to recommend that the board confirm or modify the preferred route and station locations for the West Seattle and Ballard Link Extensions Final Environmental Impact Statement”. It's Item G on the agenda:  https://www.soundtransit.org/st_sharepoint/download/sites/PRDA/ActiveDocuments/220714%20System%20Expansion%20Agenda.pdf

July 16 Washington Trust for Historic Preservation board vote on listing the National Register Seattle Chinatown Historic District, the Seattle Chinatown International District Landmark Historic District and the Sea-First Building as Most Endangered Places; nominator: Betty Lau

July 28 Sound Transit board meeting vote on preferred alternatives, 1:30 Union Station with-in person and remote simultaneous interpretation: vote on preferred alternatives; Agenda TBD; meeting link: https://www.soundtransit.org/get-to-know-us/news-events/calendar

本文大部分信息由https://transitequityforall.org/ 提供,尤其是带头人 Betty Lau 花了很多时间跟踪整理信息和阅读文档,并参加了每次的听证会。对此表示衷心感谢!


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